Wednesday, 24 May 2017

The Deported - Not a single one should be allowed to remain

We have reached the point where the UK needs to deport those that variously participate, promote, support, tolerate or defend the following:

Gang rape
Child grooming
Child murder
Female genital mutilation
"Honour" violence
Suppression of sex equality
Underage and /or forced marriage
Animal cruelty

We are supposed to be a civilised country and yet a minority impose the above on us and it is time that every one of that minority should be permanently deported from the UK.
This is the point where the Social Justice Warriors should be reaching for their lexicon of politically correct epithets but they will be a little premature as the minority I describe are far more insidious than Muslims.
The truly evil amongst are those 650 Members of Parliament that infest Westminster who at each and every barbarous and callous act select  a pithy expression of sympathy and outrage. Yet they and their predecessors for more than 30 years are the ones that have caused the criminality to exist and utterly failed to stop it.
The human victims of those criminal and illegal acts are estimated to be between 1 and 2m with the victims of Manchester just the latest but definitely they will not be the last.
The people that ultimately bear complete responsibility for all of this tragedy though are easily found. Just look in the mirror and if you have voted for the LibLabCon crime cabal the victims of Manchester belong to you. No excuses. You.
Wanting to deport Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn , Tim Farron and their useful idiot colleagues is sadly just a fantasy. So if you want a better Britain on 8 June just make sure you don't vote for a sitting MP or any candidate of the LibLabCon. You have been warned.

Otherwise the next victims will be yours as well.