Wednesday 27 June 2018

The Elephant that must not be acknowledged

The Western world may be starting to wake up and yet it is still in denial. Following on the heels of the Brexit vote and Donald Trump's election victory the tide has turned on the perpetually increasing waves of immigration. Sweden, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and Slovakia are all becoming more anti-immigration. 

The reasons for this are many and varied. Lack of integration; disproportionate level of criminality; overloading the systems for healthcare, education, housing and benefits; and the dilution and eventual swamping of indigenous culture and identity.

Surprisingly even dyed in the wool mass immigration supporters such as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have got the religion of suggesting reduced levels of immigration.

Immigration could be set to zero and the situation will not improve. Go on think it through how could that be. The issue is not the immigration today, tomorrow or next year. 

The Elephant that must be ignored is the immigration that has already occurred. 

Zero immigration would not end the threat of terrorism the terrorists are already here.
Zero immigration would not end the lack of integration the imported cultures are already here.
Zero immigration would not end the child rape gangs the rapists are already here.
Zero immigration would not end the overload on healthcare, housing and the rest the excess population is already here.

The only resolution would be governments having a net emigration target in the hundreds of thousands every year for decades.

So remember the next time a politician say they want to reduce the level of immigration its meaningless. The problems of mass immigration are here to stay. Remember Nellie.

Friday 22 June 2018

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Following Brexit here are 18 more referendums we need to have

Following the Brexit referendum and the perpetual calls for another referendum especially from people like Tony Blair here is a list of 18 we should have:
  1. Should Tony Blair be prosecuted for war crimes and, if found guilty, be executed? This one is quite simple as we know Tony Blair lied to to get the UK to go to war with Iraq. It is estimated that a million people have died. Shouldn't Tony Blair be held to account to ensure that no future UK Prime Minister does the same? We would actually have to prosecute David Cameron for Libya and both him and Theresa May for sponsoring terrorism in Syria and possibly Yemen.
  2. Should politicians have personal liability for their actions, votes and statements? Politicians are excellent at spending other people's money. Why should that be allowed? Why should taxpayers have to pay for political incompetence. Perfect examples would be £11bn on the NHS IT system that never worked or the millions spent on compensating Sharon Shoesmith because Ed Balls wanted publicity and breached all  employment laws. How many years has it been where the government didn't have a deficit? 20? More?
  3. Should public service be capped at a maximum of 10 years in aggregate? We have a class of professional politicians and layabouts who get elected to Parliament and stay as long as they like. If they get kicked it's off to the Lords or be appointed to quangos or an Ambassadorship. Time to put a limit on how long they can have their snouts in the trough.
  4. Should judges be held accountable for their decisions? Judges supposedly dispense justice however there seems to be a lot of decisions which are just plain bad. Think about the Albanians who lied to get into the UK and the judge said they could stay. There are countless cases where immigrants are allowed to stay at taxpayer's expense. Shouldn't that be at the judge's expense? What about where judge's give inadequate sentences and the offender re offends? Why shouldn't the judge be required to pay for all legal and compensation costs for the subsequent offences if their sentencing is inadequate? 
  5. Should the legal system be changed to ensure justice is done? The failure to prosecute John Worboys for most of his crimes and his early release is just the latest example. What about Ehsan Abdulaziz being cleared of rape? Gang rapists of hundreds of victims getting 20 years in prison so that works out as less than a month for each rape? What about the selective enforcement of laws? FGM and bigamy to name but two of hundreds.
  6. Should we have an Onerous Public Contracts Act? Think about the Private Finance Initiative. The Government's way to spend even more and hide the borrowing in private companies. Then the borrowing and other costs end up as many multiples of the cost that would have been incurred if the Government had purchased the hospital or other asset directly. How about LOBO loans where councils borrow long term and the lender has the option to increase the interest rate. If the council doesn't want to pay the higher interest rate the council can repay the loan in full together with a penalty making the total cost of the loan several multiples of the original loan. This Act would give members of the public the right to challenge any public contract. The challenge would be a council of lay people. If the challenge is proven the contract is restated for only the reasonable costs under the contract to be paid by the public authority. All other costs would be payable by the politicians and civil servants who executed the contract.
  7. Should we adopt the Swiss system of referendums? MP's have spent over 40 years giving away Parliamentary  and legal sovereignty to the EU. Over 500 MP's are currently fighting to stop Brexit to avoid the return of Parliamentary and legal sovereignty. Shouldn't we give the MP's what they want and remove their policy making powers from them?
  8. Should we have immigration? We have had mass immigration for decades and what do we have to show for it? A housing crisis, various NHS crisis, multiple education problems, perpetual deficits and ever larger public debt, increasing crime with a criminal justice that is a joke, Islamic terrorism and social disintegration. At what point does the electorate get to say that this isn't working. Enough. 
  9. Should immigrants be required to either integrate or be deported? As crime increases, parallel societies are created and the UK's social identity is destroyed is it time to finally lay to rest the myth of multiculturalism?
  10. Should immigrants be banned from claiming any benefits? Why should Britons provide free stuff to immigrants? Housing, education, healthcare, money. Don't we have enough homeless or impoverished of our own who actually deserve state help?
  11. Should all visitors and immigrants be required to have health insurance before admission to the UK? The National Health Service is in crisis as politicians have allowed it to become the International Health Service. Time to end this don't you think?
  12. Should government subsidies to large or foreign businesses be banned or be charged back to the business? Why does the government pay 'in work' benefits to employees of large and foreign companies? Tesco employees are reportedly receiving over £300m in benefits to top up employees pay as Tesco pay isn't enough to live on. That is a business subsidy that increases Tesco profits and goes to their owners. This applies to all large and foreign businesses. Why does the government give the tax money taken from Tesco employees to the Tesco shareholders?
  13. Should criminals be given a new identity when they are released from prsion? Let's start with the killers of 2 year old James Bulger stoned to death by Jon Venables and Robert Thompson. We also have Maxine Carr the girlfriend of the Soham murderer Ian Huntley. Mary Bell is another that we know of. How many more are they? At an estimated cost of £250,000 why do we give murderers a second chance as their victims won't get one.
  14. Should UK residential property ownership be limited to UK resident individuals or 'not for profit' trusts? Successive governments have told us we have a housing crisis. Why not remove the speculation from the residential property market and try and have affordable housing?
  15. Should Islam be banned? Surveys variously report 40% of Muslims want to live under Sharia law and over 50% want homosexuality to be made illegal. Muslims do not tolerate pigs, dogs and alcohol. Muslims demand halal products resulting in unnecessary animal cruelty. The majority of UK terrorism is Islamic which is strange as Islam being the Religion of Peace their extremists should be extremely peaceful. Islam does not treat either women or non-Muslims as equals. Muslims do practice FGM on their children. The above would suggest that Muslims are not and won't be happy in the UK. From the non-Muslim viewpoint it is difficult to accept that over 80% of gang rapes just happen to be carried out by Muslims. And the total failure to prosecute UK laws if the alleged perpetrator is Muslim is outrageous. How many of the more than 20,000 Muslim 'Polygamists' have been prosecuted? None. You will find reports of non-Muslims being prosecuted. Emily Thorne, Michael Hardy, Adam Moore were names found from a quick search. We know FGM is never prosecuted and the authorities would rather cover up than prosecute the grooming gangs. Ultimately, as history can demonstrate, a society can either have Islam or everything else but it can't have both. Ever.
  16. Should all benefit claimants who are able to be productive be made to work without exception? The government wasting more money requires no work for the benefits paid and jobs can be refused on religious grounds. Why?
  17. Should euthanasia be allowed as a criminal punishment? Liberals have removed the deterrence factor from the criminal justice system. Today there are reports that a shopkeeper was killed over cigarette papers. We stand with an epidemic of knife and acid attacks. Do you think if judges were not limited in the sentence they could give would that change behaviour? Why should someone that kills or maims their victim be allowed to live especially at your and my expense? If you kill someone whilst driving under the influence of drugs why you shouldn't you lose you life. You have demonstrated life has no meaning so isn't it time for the state to return the favour? The current system of sentencing isn't working so something seriously needs to change.
  18. Should Directors, Partners and Senior Managers of large businesses have their insurance and other liability protections removed? Do you think the 2007 banking industry meltdown would have happened if the Directors and Executives of the TBTF banks knew they would lose everything? How many corrupt business practices have the banks been fined for? Mis-selling PPI, terrorist financing, money laundering, manipulation of virtually all markets, asset stripping customers. If the Directors had to pay the billions of fines personally would corporate governance be better? What about the Tesco accounting scandal? We have made business corruption profitable and financially risk free (well for the perpetrators at least).    
Just a few of the serious issues that our politicians refuse to deal with. It's time to let the people decide.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

The Deported - Not a single one should be allowed to remain

We have reached the point where the UK needs to deport those that variously participate, promote, support, tolerate or defend the following:

Gang rape
Child grooming
Child murder
Female genital mutilation
"Honour" violence
Suppression of sex equality
Underage and /or forced marriage
Animal cruelty

We are supposed to be a civilised country and yet a minority impose the above on us and it is time that every one of that minority should be permanently deported from the UK.
This is the point where the Social Justice Warriors should be reaching for their lexicon of politically correct epithets but they will be a little premature as the minority I describe are far more insidious than Muslims.
The truly evil amongst are those 650 Members of Parliament that infest Westminster who at each and every barbarous and callous act select  a pithy expression of sympathy and outrage. Yet they and their predecessors for more than 30 years are the ones that have caused the criminality to exist and utterly failed to stop it.
The human victims of those criminal and illegal acts are estimated to be between 1 and 2m with the victims of Manchester just the latest but definitely they will not be the last.
The people that ultimately bear complete responsibility for all of this tragedy though are easily found. Just look in the mirror and if you have voted for the LibLabCon crime cabal the victims of Manchester belong to you. No excuses. You.
Wanting to deport Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn , Tim Farron and their useful idiot colleagues is sadly just a fantasy. So if you want a better Britain on 8 June just make sure you don't vote for a sitting MP or any candidate of the LibLabCon. You have been warned.

Otherwise the next victims will be yours as well.

Monday 16 November 2015

You will know them for their hypocrisy is legion.

When you were all stood there commemorating the sacrifice of those who gave their todays for our tomorrows what were you thinking. "It's a bit chilly". "Can't they hurry up a bit". "Suckers". "They wouldn't catch me doing anything on principle let alone dying". We know you definitely weren't thinking "I am grateful for their sacrifice and will follow their example" as that would be many things but certainly hypocrisy.

What was World War II all about. Our leaders wanted to maintain the empire. Ordinary Britons thought they were fighting for freedom and against the totalitarianism of the fascist left wing ideology of National Socialism. For the stupid the reason National Socialism is left wing is in the name. So what do you think the war dead would say if they had come back to life and seen that the Nazi culture is flourishing and is de rigueur across the West.

The faux moral outrage is almost palpable. How can the West be compared to Nazi Germany for they were evil? Well let's see if there are any similarities.

Hitler's Germany was a totalitarian state where democracy was scrapped, central planning was enforced and dissenters weren't welcome. The last bit was a bit of an understatement. Starting with the street thugs that went on to become the brown shirts the Nazi's extended their control with the SS and Gestapo. Show trials and torture common place as was executions.

Let's start with modern day democracy that much vaunted characteristic of a "free" country that is peddled across the Middle East. In theory the US and UK have two main parties each. In both countries their respective parties have become indistinguishable and totally unaccountable to the electorate. Whichever party is voted in the results are the same. Debts up, immigration up, statistical lies up. 

The European Union is anti-democracy. Tsipras in Greece won both an election and a referendum on an anti-austerity stance and then promptly signed up to continuing the Troika's austerity regime. How? Ukraine's democratically elected President was ousted in favour of a US puppet and that country has descended into civil war. Catalonia has voted to separate from Spain and Rajoy threatens to use everything including the military to stop them.  And don't mention referendums on transfer of sovereignty, immigration, multiculturalism. Definitely verboten.

How does the West deal with central planning. Well they love it. From the Fed to the ECB to the BOE and all the rest the central banks manipulate the financial markets, print fiat money and enrich a minority. Western countries are totally addicted to debt used to finance endless spending on the transformation of those countries in spite of the views of their electorate. There is no Western country that is reducing its influence on its populace.

What about dissenters? In the US whistleblowers are hounded and prosecuted. Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden are three. Carmen Segarra and David P. Weber are two more. Tony Blair infamous for the Iraq War to save the West from non-existent WMD will also be remembered for his Government's hounding and subsequent death of Dr. David Kelly. Colleges and universities across the West are no longer beacons of free speech and original thought but bastions of prescribed ideas, illiberal actions and "safe spaces". 

Freedom of speech is effectively prohibited by "hate" legislation. In the UK the definition of a hate crime is "A crime that the victim or any other person perceives to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards any aspect of a person's identity". So we are now in the area of thought crimes and the subjectivity of that is also legion. Please remember that whilst the UK police were creating the hate crime legislation they were also ignoring the million suspected victims of immigrant rape gangs. The irony of that is awesome. The police not protecting children as they were creating a law to protect the perpetrators of child abuse from being protected or confronted. So Goebbels.

If hate legislation doesn't work then there is always threats or actual violence by left wing organisations. Anywhere anyone protests immigration and its resultant problems then they are shouted down with racism, xenophobia or the daddy of them all "Islamophobia". In the UK there is Antifa who turnout to oppose any group that protests mass rape and paedophilia by immigrants, which indirectly means that Antifa members may have questions to answer about their view of gang rape and paedophilia. Anyone seen the police? The UK also has Unite Against Fascism funded by the Unite union who receives funds from the UK government. So we have state sanctioned thugs in the UK denying free speech and freedom of association. Across Europe anyone protesting mass immigration or climate change or any of the other acceptable orthodoxy will be persecuted through the courts or the media or with violence.

We are three for three so far. What about propaganda. Hitler had Joseph Goebbels who is infamous for “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

The West lives and breathes that quote from Goebbels. In the US all main media is controlled by only six organisations. In the UK BBC and Sky News have long since ceased to be organisations populated by journalists reporting unbiased news and are merely purveyors of state spin.

Let's move on. All fascist states need either a made up national trait or a real or imaginary enemy. Or both. Someone to blame for when things go wrong or to justify the states actions to protect the citizenry. Hitler had his master race theory and blamed the Jews. The US have their "exceptionalism" and blame the Russians / Chinese. The rest of the West go along with the US with blaming the Russians and Chinese. None of the West blame Islam for anything as most Muslims are mostly soft and cuddly and furry just like Gremlins. Apart from the Muslims who take the Quran literally who aren't Muslims but Islamists and the West does blame them. Apart from if they aren't really bad Islamists like Al-Qaeda then they are sort of OK. Confused? You should be.

So now the enemies of the West are the Russians, Chinese and Islamists. Mainly the Islamists. Following 9/11 the US has used "Islamists" to create the Department of Homeland Security, pass the Patriot and other Acts and collect data on everyone not just the "enemy". In the UK the government has GCHQ spying on everyone. Any Islamist attack is used to justify more protection. We have smart phones, tablets and laptops that track our location, can be switched on remotely to use the camera or record what is said. ISP's, search engines and social media that provide our data to national security services when they are not selling the information themselves. There are 250 million security cameras installed globally. That's one for every 29 people on the planet. We have smart TV's that record and transmit the data. So George. Heinrich Himmler would be beside himself with joy at this level of state surveillance of its populace.

What about relationships with other countries. Hitler is blamed for starting World War II and for invading most European and North African countries in the process causing up to 80 million deaths. How about the West? Well they invaded Afghanistan - 30,000, invaded Iraq - 1.5m, did another regime change in Libya - 30,000, Ukraine - 50,000 and Syria 250,000 with more still to die.

Overall, yes the West has taken the methods of the Nazi's and made them more subtle but ultimately far more effective. The freedoms that millions died for are being eroded across the West.

Yes politicians we know what you were thinking on Remembrance Day - Suckers!

Monday 2 November 2015

Dear Labour and Conservative Parties - Did 1.5m Britons die just for you to be free to get the UK in the Top 50 countries for FGM?

The 1.5m Britons are the ones that died in World Wars 1 & 2. Another 2.2m were wounded and maimed. We are told that they fought, died and were wounded for freedom, to maintain the British way of life and for British values. 100 years ago when the First World War was in its second year there was no indigenous Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)  in Britain. So how in less than 70 years, since the end of the Second World War, did successive governments, both Conservative and Labour, manage to get the UK in the Top 50 countries in the World for FGM?

You may be surprised to learn that the UK has approximately 220,000 FGM victims. That puts us behind countries like Egypt, Somalia, Nigeria and Kenya. Yet we are believed to have more FGM victims than Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. We only need another 60,000 victims or so and our politicians will have the UK in the Top 40!

FGM is not indigenous to the UK. When you look at the 60 countries where FGM is indigenous they are all found in Africa and Asia. For the 35 African countries there appears to be a high correlation between the Muslim population and the prevalence of FGM. However Eritrea is split fairly equally 50:50 between Muslims and Christians and yet the FGM prevalence is believed to be 89%. Liberia is only 12% Muslim and yet FGM prevalence is 58%. The high FGM prevalence in Liberia and several neighbouring countries is thought to be part of an initiation to a society called Sande.

For the 25 Asian countries the FGM prevalence has only been estimated for 6 and all of which are majority Muslim with a high degree of correlation between the FGM rate and the Muslim population.
Female Genital Mutilation has been occurring for centuries and in some cultures millennia. So our politicians knew that as immigration in to the UK was allowed then the culture of FGM would be imported.  30 years ago FGM was made illegal in the UK and yet the law has not been enforced. This past weekend a new law came into force requiring medical personnel and others to report incidents of FGM.

So what are the options to deal with FGM in the UK. The first would be to enforce the laws however there are quite a few problems with that.

  • The police, politicians, social workers, local councillors would be scared of being called "racist".
  • The UK legal system doesn't like to enforce laws such as rape, paedophilia, bigamy, assault where the perpetrator is an immigrant as it could be their "culture".
  • If the FGM perpetrators were prosecuted and imprisoned then the UK prison population would increase from 90,000 to 310,000 (yes it would more than treble) and between 100,000 and 200,000 children would need to go in to care.

So the costs and logistics of enforcing the law makes that option a total non-starter.

The absolute solution would be to exclude people from all countries / cultures where FGM is practiced, deport those that are in the UK and enforce a strict immigration policy. But we know that won't happen as the screams of "stereotyping", "racism", "refugees" and "human rights" will be heard across the land.

And so we are left with what we have now. To wit:

  • A problem created by corrupt Members of Parliament and the House of Lords;
  • Who talk about how terrible FGM is and how it needs to be stopped;
  • That pass laws that won't be enforced;
  • And Britons are known as a nation that mutilates women and children.

So when you see poppies and you remember the sacrifice of the millions that fought, suffered, died or were maimed for Britain, the British way of life and values think also of all the politicians that for seventy years enjoyed the freedoms that sacrifice bought. The very politicians who blithely destroyed that way of life and those values.

Smile we are all people mutilators now.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Beyond doublethink: the bizarre world of David Cameron and British politics

The infamous New Labour of Tony Blair introduced the Human Rights Act (HRA) in 1998 enshrining 15 rights one of which is the Right to Life.

I am not sure about you but I always thought a "right" was absolute without exceptions, however that is not the case and through politics we end up with the following.

It's OK to kill 198,000 would be Britons every year simply because they are mostly an inconvenience (European Court of Human Rights ruled that foetuses are not covered by the HRA - do you think that's because they are not human or not alive?).

However, it's not OK that children of other countries may die and so David Cameron spends £11.7bn on international development. That works out at £59,000 per Briton killed.

Apparently, it's also OK for you to be early to the Pearly Gates when life saving treatment is withheld due to lack of resources. What  isn't clear is whether two illegal wars, two regime changes, payment of benefits to millions of economic migrants, the sale of national assets at an under value (sadly Brown's bottom springs to mind at this point and is a truly horrible image) and the bailout of the failed banks are reasonable uses of resources or the cause of the premature deaths of Britons purely for the egos of people like Blair and Cameron. 

Oh yeah almost forgot you dying early due to lack of resources is also OK if said resources have been used keeping murderers, terrorists and other criminals alive and behind bars. I told you it's bizarre. You can die because the HRA expressly forbids the execution of criminals.

But dying early due to lack of resources doesn't cover the situation where doctors kill you through lack of food and water as in the Liverpool Care Pathway. Or where the doctors and nurses kill you through negligence / incompetence. Remember Mid Staffs?

So by now you're thinking that if you survive the womb and the medical profession your life is yours huh? Absolutely not. If you have a terminal illness you have no right to die so therefore your life is not yours as confirmed by the MP's vote this month. 

The police killing you is also an exception to the right to life although they are not supposed to. The only question after that is how does the Met police then end up with its own "serial killer"?   

David Cameron's Government has extended the exceptions to the right to life by the recent death by drone of two ISIS members that had previously lived in Britain, which brings the estimated total of deaths by drone to 10 or more.

So the Right to Life does not exist unless you are a criminal or a migrant and if you are British your life isn't ever really yours. Welcome to Britain please start committing non-violent crimes as soon as possible. What a farce!