Monday, 2 November 2015

Dear Labour and Conservative Parties - Did 1.5m Britons die just for you to be free to get the UK in the Top 50 countries for FGM?

The 1.5m Britons are the ones that died in World Wars 1 & 2. Another 2.2m were wounded and maimed. We are told that they fought, died and were wounded for freedom, to maintain the British way of life and for British values. 100 years ago when the First World War was in its second year there was no indigenous Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)  in Britain. So how in less than 70 years, since the end of the Second World War, did successive governments, both Conservative and Labour, manage to get the UK in the Top 50 countries in the World for FGM?

You may be surprised to learn that the UK has approximately 220,000 FGM victims. That puts us behind countries like Egypt, Somalia, Nigeria and Kenya. Yet we are believed to have more FGM victims than Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. We only need another 60,000 victims or so and our politicians will have the UK in the Top 40!

FGM is not indigenous to the UK. When you look at the 60 countries where FGM is indigenous they are all found in Africa and Asia. For the 35 African countries there appears to be a high correlation between the Muslim population and the prevalence of FGM. However Eritrea is split fairly equally 50:50 between Muslims and Christians and yet the FGM prevalence is believed to be 89%. Liberia is only 12% Muslim and yet FGM prevalence is 58%. The high FGM prevalence in Liberia and several neighbouring countries is thought to be part of an initiation to a society called Sande.

For the 25 Asian countries the FGM prevalence has only been estimated for 6 and all of which are majority Muslim with a high degree of correlation between the FGM rate and the Muslim population.
Female Genital Mutilation has been occurring for centuries and in some cultures millennia. So our politicians knew that as immigration in to the UK was allowed then the culture of FGM would be imported.  30 years ago FGM was made illegal in the UK and yet the law has not been enforced. This past weekend a new law came into force requiring medical personnel and others to report incidents of FGM.

So what are the options to deal with FGM in the UK. The first would be to enforce the laws however there are quite a few problems with that.

  • The police, politicians, social workers, local councillors would be scared of being called "racist".
  • The UK legal system doesn't like to enforce laws such as rape, paedophilia, bigamy, assault where the perpetrator is an immigrant as it could be their "culture".
  • If the FGM perpetrators were prosecuted and imprisoned then the UK prison population would increase from 90,000 to 310,000 (yes it would more than treble) and between 100,000 and 200,000 children would need to go in to care.

So the costs and logistics of enforcing the law makes that option a total non-starter.

The absolute solution would be to exclude people from all countries / cultures where FGM is practiced, deport those that are in the UK and enforce a strict immigration policy. But we know that won't happen as the screams of "stereotyping", "racism", "refugees" and "human rights" will be heard across the land.

And so we are left with what we have now. To wit:

  • A problem created by corrupt Members of Parliament and the House of Lords;
  • Who talk about how terrible FGM is and how it needs to be stopped;
  • That pass laws that won't be enforced;
  • And Britons are known as a nation that mutilates women and children.

So when you see poppies and you remember the sacrifice of the millions that fought, suffered, died or were maimed for Britain, the British way of life and values think also of all the politicians that for seventy years enjoyed the freedoms that sacrifice bought. The very politicians who blithely destroyed that way of life and those values.

Smile we are all people mutilators now.

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