Wednesday, 27 June 2018

The Elephant that must not be acknowledged

The Western world may be starting to wake up and yet it is still in denial. Following on the heels of the Brexit vote and Donald Trump's election victory the tide has turned on the perpetually increasing waves of immigration. Sweden, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and Slovakia are all becoming more anti-immigration. 

The reasons for this are many and varied. Lack of integration; disproportionate level of criminality; overloading the systems for healthcare, education, housing and benefits; and the dilution and eventual swamping of indigenous culture and identity.

Surprisingly even dyed in the wool mass immigration supporters such as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have got the religion of suggesting reduced levels of immigration.

Immigration could be set to zero and the situation will not improve. Go on think it through how could that be. The issue is not the immigration today, tomorrow or next year. 

The Elephant that must be ignored is the immigration that has already occurred. 

Zero immigration would not end the threat of terrorism the terrorists are already here.
Zero immigration would not end the lack of integration the imported cultures are already here.
Zero immigration would not end the child rape gangs the rapists are already here.
Zero immigration would not end the overload on healthcare, housing and the rest the excess population is already here.

The only resolution would be governments having a net emigration target in the hundreds of thousands every year for decades.

So remember the next time a politician say they want to reduce the level of immigration its meaningless. The problems of mass immigration are here to stay. Remember Nellie.

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